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  DateType de publication Titre Emetteur / Entité
17 Nov 2021 Research Announcement Moody's - Euro area sovereigns benefit from favourable economic conditions, but debt levels could become a challenge
02 Jul 2021 Research Announcement Moody's - Euro area sovereigns’ ability to rebuild fiscal shock-absorbing capacity is key credit driver
20 Jun 2021 Research Announcement Moody's: Survey reveals sovereigns define and rank cybersecurity risks differently, but preparedness is a common priority
17 Jun 2021 Research Announcement Moody's - European Investment Fund’s credit profile reflects strong liquidity and shareholder support European Investment Fund
01 Jun 2021 Research Announcement Moody's - Romania’s credit profile reflects solid medium-term growth potential and macroeconomic imbalances Romania, Government of
28 May 2021 Research Announcement Moody's - Croatia’s credit profile reflects progress on European integration and macroeconomic challenges Croatia, Government of
26 May 2021 Research Announcement Moody's - Greece's credit profile reflects its growth-friendly reforms as well as an elevated debt burden Greece, Government of
19 May 2021 Research Announcement Moody's - Sberbank embarks on a digital transformation like no other in banking Sberbank of Russia
18 May 2021 Research Announcement Moody's - Isle of Man's credit profile reflects high wealth, strong public finances and exposure to weaker UK creditworthiness Isle of Man, Government of
18 May 2021 Research Announcement Moody's - South Africa’s credit profile balances robust institutions and limited external vulnerability against high debt levels South Africa, Government of
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